What is the amount per brother raised for the per capita we owe Grand Lodge?
We may be talking about two different things. The per capita for every lodge member is $29.00 per year regardless of when the member was raised. The per capita is calculated on the annual report form, due next January 15th. A new member shows up on the annual report one year and then the following year is the first time the per capita is paid on him.
But there are also two one time only special assessments for every new member, $5.00 for the support of the George Washington Masonic Memorial in Alexandria, Virginia and $12.50 for the Help, Aid and Assist Fund, part of our Grand Lodge Benevolence Fund. These two fees, totaling $17.50 are generally referred to as the "raising fees" and are due in the Grand Lodge office two weeks after the new member is raised to the Master Mason Degree.